Saturday, September 22, 2012

PR...Figuring It Out

I am halfway through the Public Relations program but am just now taking the first class of the series due to scheduling.  It’s crazy now that I think of it but I don’t think I ever stopped to analyze what I thought PR was.  I just blindly embarked on this multiple year journey.  It started as a recommendation from my manager.  When I was first hired, she mentioned that a couple of PR classes might be beneficial to my work.  Career wise, I thought it would be more beneficial to do the whole diploma rather than a couple of isolated courses.  At some point in my life, someone ingrained in me that you should always finish what you start.  If by the time my boss retired I had my sights set on her job, I figured this diploma would make me more marketable. 

 To date I’ve completed all the elective courses as well as written and oral communication.  This is truly my first taste of what PR is about.  I like what I hear!  The PR diploma is no longer my attempt at doing my employer’s succession planning but a serious career contemplation.  The reality of the Winnipeg market being that public relations is generally a portion of the job description isn’t a deterrent;  it’s a value add.  As the saying goes, “variety is the spice of life.”  I am an organizer and I enjoy a fast paced environment. Though organization skills are beneficial in my current position, the last thing I would call my job is fast paced which has impacted my satisfaction.  PR could be a good fit. 

My aim is to use this class and the PR#2 course as a period of self-reflection.   I would love to hear more about the career possibilities as well as any volunteer opportunities that would make a new grad a little more attractive to a potential employer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your personal reflections and sharing your story. Unfortunately, we covered the topic of careers in the field last class when you were absent, but feel free to ask me any questions and also check out the slides from last class on my blog. See you Monday!
